To the few, but the loyal. I have returned to the alias you all kno me to be, Fallon Star. I return with promises of a new world and new possibilities. Celestia is wading the waters and ad excited as I am, nothing makes me more so excited as to physically see Autumn Duskhunter return. In the midst of our everyday conversation, curiosity of my BARON's return has been anticipated oh so much. It fills my little necromancer heart with such joy that Autumn and I may yet again stand side by side as she takes all the kills.... uh uh uh... I mean, as I set her for scarecrow and wraith =)
I kno I will not be the first to be able to welcome her back as I have read the blogs of many of you who adore her so. And to those of you whom kept tabs on her blogs during 8 inactive months, I'd like you for taking my side even without you knowing it. Its been a trecherous battle to get my partner in crime back, and I'm not persuasive as Autumn is not easily persuaded. However, no grandmaster can turn down a lift of leveling caps or a new world and a chance to blog about it with as little or as many words jus as long as she can still type/ speak with sharp wit.
So again, thank you fellow bloggers and its about time Autumn. Pairing with Dugan jus wasn't the same =)
Love Always,
Your Seperated Twin;
Fallon Star

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